Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy now is Seattle!
Being interested in the powers of the mind for the last decade plus, I've decided it was time to get involved directly and learn the techniques which have the potential for great healing, both emotionally and physically! Studying under Dolores Cannon, I use the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy method (QHHT) that Dolores has been teaching for over a decade. She's been a hypnotherapist for over forty years and her methods and experimentation have evolved into this QHHT method she now teaches. There are many YouTube videos of Dolores talking about what she does, but a very comprehensive one can be found HERE.
What can Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy do for you?
QHHT uses the power of deep hypnosis to explore past lives for the purpose of emotional and physical healing. It has been used worldwide and there have been thousands of documented cases of this method used to alleviate pain, diagnose and treat disease and conquer phobias. In addition, clients can explore their past lives simply for curiosity, or to better understand their purpose in this life. QHHT can also help clients quit smoking, calm anxieties and lose weight. I've even seen cases where the "subconscious" has given entire diet plans!